Legal advice on contact arrangements after moving


I am divorced. The father is now moving to another municipality. Am I obliged to bring my children to him or is he obliged to come and pick them up for his weekend? I do have transportation, he does too. I don't really want this. We both lived in our own house in Landsmeer. Now that our shared home has been sold, he moved to Amsterdam.


There are no legal rules regarding transport around a visitation arrangement. Cases are assessed individually by the judge, looking at all the facts and circumstances, and in which reasonableness and fairness, but especially the interests of the children play a major role. It also depends on the original agreements and the extent to which there was consultation about the move. In all cases, it is advisable to consult with each other with the aim of finding a solution that is acceptable to everyone.


I agree with the above. If consultation with each other does not lead to a solution immediately, you can still hire a mediator together. Often, such relocations also lead to questions about alimony because the relocating party often believes that they can pay less because more travel costs arise. However, the travel costs that are made to realize the contact are deemed to be included in the care discount that is often already included in the alimony calculation. If you would like assistance with this, you can contact us if you wish.

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