Legal Advice on Employment Contracts | Legal Advice Centre
I just have a question regarding my employment contract. I just received a 20-30 hour permanent contract in November 2013. In 2015, management wanted to reduce the hours so that I would come to my minimum hours, so 20 hours, but according to the CAO VVT 2014/2016, that is not allowed at all because since July 1, the flex law amendment has been implemented that you should receive your hours worked in the last 3 months and half year, which was also stated in the aforementioned CAO. I pointed this out to them. After a lot of puzzling with schedules, hours, etc., management has been busy examining the schedule. Given that there were many larger contracts within the facility company, they opted for 9-hour shifts because that would be the efficient way of scheduling. I also received a 28-hour contract there, which is very favorable for me. Given that it was supposed to be a trial period at first, this trial period was extended 3 times because there are still many errors in the schedule regarding the work process. But.....can I still be put back in my minmax 20/30 hour contract while I was given 28 hours, albeit with reservation. However, I have worked an average of 32/34 hours in the last year. It doesn't seem to me that it can just happen.Lawyer
Based on the chain scheme, you can claim a contract with the average number of working hours over the past three months. Business economic circumstances may give rise to exceptions. Is that what you meant?Neem de volgende stap
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