Legal assistance with child support | Legal aid centre
Until what age do I pay child support to a non-resident student? I divorced in 2007 and have 2 children from that marriage. In the divorce agreement it was stated not to pay child support because I also had to pay spousal support. And that was fiscally more attractive. End of 2008 my ex partner lived with her new partner for a year and the children live with them. At that time we agreed on child support. But we did that between us not through the judge. (but a signed contract) In the meantime, the child support has increased to over 900 euros per month. For a few months now, my son (19 now) has been living in rooms for his studies, so we pay him the support directly. For my 17-year-old daughter, we still pay my ex-partner. Now the question is how much do we have to pay him? Is that half of the amount we agreed on in the child support agreement and until what age. (21 years?) If I weren't divorced, I probably wouldn't pay 500 euros a month in tuition fees, but would ask him to borrow some money and work a little on the side. How does this actually work? thanks for your responseLawyer
Up to the age of 21, parents are legally obliged to contribute to the costs of their children's maintenance and education (this is called that for children aged 18 - 21). Before that age, it is called a contribution to the costs of care and upbringing. You pay a fairly reasonable amount of child support. It may be wise to have a lawyer calculate what your children's needs are first and foremost and then how these needs should be divided between the parents. It is important to determine what your own capacity to pay is first and possibly also that of your ex-partner if she would like to cooperate. If the calculation (this may also only be the calculation of your own situation) gives reason to agree on the payment of a lower amount, an attempt can be made to reach a mutual agreement on this matter. If this does not work, legal proceedings will have to be initiated. If you wish, I can perform these calculations for you.Neem de volgende stap
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