Guardianship, Administration & Mentorship: Request Free Advice Here


I have a question that goes beyond guardianship, administration and mentorship. An in-law wants, with the approval of the biological children to whom she is married to one of the children, and with the approval of one of the parents, full authority to act on behalf of the biological children. She is already authorized to perform financial transactions on behalf of the father-in-law. She also wants to act as a spokesperson and be able to sign official documents. Background info: Concerns an elderly couple, he is beginning to develop dementia and she is addicted to gambling. She regularly manages to persuade him to withdraw money from his account to support her gambling addiction. The biological children live too far away to arrange every little thing for the parents and have no problem giving their respective in-laws full power of attorney. How and in what ways can the above be legally regulated? Is it guardianship or is there another legal form that is necessary?


It is indeed possible to apply for guardianship, administration and/or mentorship if someone is not legally competent due to their mental condition and administration can also be based on squandering/problematic debts. The children can apply for this at the subdistrict court. The wishes of the parents are also taken into account for the person to be appointed.

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