Legal advice regarding guardianship of your child


I am the father of a beautiful daughter of about one and a half years old. My ex-girlfriend and I are in the process of terminating our registered partnership. However, my daughter's mother has completely lost her mind and has threatened to commit suicide. She was then picked up by the police and spoke to someone from the crisis team there, and according to them she was mentally fine, because she told all kinds of lies there. She's now with a guy who uses drugs and is in that circuit. There are also several reports pending against that guy, for threats and assault. He also abuses my ex and threatens me if I don't cooperate. She wants to take my daughter to his house, which I totally disagree with for the following reasons: 1: she doesn't take care of herself, let alone my daughter. 2: Drugs were dealt from that house and are still being used there. 3; he uses violence against her and my daughter is therefore not safe there. I now want full control over my daughter but don't know what else to do. I don't want my little girl to be in danger in any way. Even my 'ex' in-laws and my family fully support my choice. What can I do, she threatens to call the police for kidnapping if I don't give her my child, I'm fine with her seeing her but that guy isn't. And she's taking that little one there anyway, no matter what I say. Hope someone has some suitable advice.


I advise you to hire a lawyer who can assist you in this and who can discuss your case with you in detail to determine what is the wisest thing to do now. This is now that you apparently cannot reach an agreement and then legal proceedings will have to be instituted. The question is which procedure(s) will you enter: summary proceedings, a request to change your daughter's primary residence, possibly also a request to place your daughter under supervision. If you wish, you can contact me.

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