Increase alimony? Get free legal advice!
Good morning, My ex-husband has had a new job for 2 years, also got a permanent contract, so he would like to increase the child support, how do I do that? What do I have to arrange for that?Lawyer
You can apply to have the alimony adjusted by the judge. You can also submit the request to your ex-husband, because he has to pay alimony according to income. If you would like more information, please contact us directly.Lawyer
This change in circumstances that you describe does indeed give rise to a recalculation of the maintenance in order to determine whether your ex-husband will indeed have to pay more. It is wise to engage a lawyer (or mediator) who can assist you in this. This is because maintenance calculations are quite specialized. If it turns out that he can indeed pay more or if he refuses to cooperate with the recalculation, it is important to start legal proceedings in order to request a change in the amount of maintenance. To start such a procedure, you will need the assistance of a lawyer. If you wish, you can contact me.Neem de volgende stap
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