Breach of Contract and Refund: Your Legal Guide


I rented a room (verbally and whatsapp) but the landlord did not keep his agreement. I had paid the full amount and it has not been refunded to date. The landlord acknowledged by email that something went wrong and promised to refund the money. This was 2 weeks ago but to date nothing has been heard from him. I have his name and address details. 1) Can I take legal action for breach of contract? Can I recover additional costs? 2) What steps can I take regarding the money? Bvd


1: yes and yes 2: remind and demand payment within the term and then follow the procedure. It is important that this is worded correctly in legal terms. Success!


Well, two weeks is still a bit short, but if it really takes longer, you can contact me because the claim for reimbursement has been acknowledged, a short reminder by e-mail should be sufficient. You may claim consequential damages and also damages that occur after the default; for this you must have sent a default letter. Incidentally, the default date may also be in the past.

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