Legal advice on eviction and parenthood
I have a 16 month old son and we are currently living with my son's father in a house that he owns (it is in his name). We are registered in it. We do not have a purchase agreement or contract and are not married. Now it is like this, he wants to break off the relationship and demands that I leave the house at the end of this month, can he do this? Now my family lives in Haarlem and could possibly move there (I was born there too), but my ex-boyfriend says that I am not allowed to do this because the distance from his son is too great.Lawyer
Your ex-partner cannot forbid you to move 'too far'. Now that you are also registered at the address of this home, you also have rights. Your ex-partner cannot simply throw you out of the house, on the other hand, he is also the father of the child and has a maintenance obligation towards both of you. For further information, please feel free to contact me.Questioner
Ok but what time frame can he set for when I have to leave? and now we live in Zwolle but would like to move to Haarlem because this has happened before when my son was 1 month old he also showed us the door and then I lived with my mother in Haarlem for 10 months with my son now I thought everything was fine again but it is happening again I am a bit helpless and don't really know what I am legally allowed and able to do.Lawyer
Your ex-partner cannot simply put you on the street. You are also registered at that address. You can go to the municipality and explain the situation there. You can also appeal to the judge by means of a petition to request a replacement permission for a longer stay in the house. Ultimately, your ex-partner also has responsibility for you and therefore he cannot simply throw you out on the street.Neem de volgende stap
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