Travel Time or Working Time? Discover Your Rights


Question: Does commuting count as working time or travel time? situation: Employed as a maintenance/service engineer at an installation service company (central heating boilers). I work from home and drive a company van to the first customer and then to about 7 more customers. (so I go to new customers every day) collective labor agreement is small metal So I think that the 'travel time' to the first customer and from the last customer home falls under working time. According to the employer, that is not the case.


In principle, this travel time is working time, because it is performed under the authority of the employer, unless otherwise indicated. You can therefore claim compensation of at least 19 cents per kilometer. I have previously worked with the collective labor agreement for small metal companies.


Thanks for the response. I just want to know if it falls under working hours. My employer indicates that according to the collective labor agreement, 1 hour of travel time to the first customer and the hour of the last customer back home falls under travel time. I have read this paragraph myself. However, I think that my work starts when I get into my company car at home and the end of the workday when I get out of the car at home. That would mean that if I get into the car at 7:30, I would have worked 8 hours at home at 16:00 (incl. 0.5 hour break) My employer thinks that if, for example, it takes me an hour to get to the first customer and an hour to get home from the last customer, then no overtime has been worked. I base this on By surfing the Internet/central government working hours. Suppose I'm right, how can I best show him this to reinforce it? I want to be able to get through a door of course. But I also don't want to end up in a situation where I'm away from home for 10.5 hours without being able to write for it. (I actually never submit overtime but it shouldn't get too crazy and I prefer that it is clear for him and me)

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