Legal advice on consumer rights


On June 9, 2016, I bought a garden table with garden bench for 734 euros. This was 649 for the set and 85 euros for the finish with a 3 in 1 stain, which impregnates, primes and provides a nano coating (protective layer against water, dirt and oil). The wood is finished all around to prevent the wood from moving. On their website they write that the tops are very nicely finished, the knots are visible and give the table a unique look. A sustainable product because the tops are glued so that no water can get in. We also use a 3 in 1 stain, which impregnates, primes and provides a nano coating (protective layer against water, dirt and oil). The wood is finished all around to prevent the wood from moving. On June 25, the set was exchanged because resin came out of the wood and the steel base frame showed rust spots. This was all done neatly. Bought this set with the very explicit question whether resin would not come out of the wood (removed previous picnic set because resin continuously came out). I was assured that this would not be the case with this set. Furthermore, resin comes out of the table and the bench again. The table is also sticky and has discoloured yellowish in several places through the grey stain and it cannot be cleaned with a wet cloth. Have the table (after exchange) now 2 months, of which 1 month used. After the exchange with this second set again resin from the couch and from the table which makes your clothes get under. Furthermore, the table is badly torn in several places (within two months). This was the case when we came back from vacation a week ago. Sent the company an email that I was sad about this. Bought an expensive set with the assurance that it would not leak resin. Now resin and big cracks. Indicated that I no longer had confidence in it and hoped that they would take the set back. I received an email back that they want to take the set back and that I will get 500 euros back for this. And this while I paid 734 euros for it, and with the promise from them that this couch would not 'leak' resin, which is the case. So the company gave me wrong information which made me expect that I would get the full amount back. Now they want to give me a refund but 234 euros less than what I paid for it. . . . (and this within 2 months; 2 weeks ago I already sent an email,


In short: you did not receive what you were entitled to expect and the seller apparently cannot fulfil his obligations after a remedy has already been offered. You may therefore cancel the purchase and are entitled to the full purchase price.

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