Expert Legal Advice on Perjury
Tuesday September 6th I was at the criminal case against my ex-husband. During that case he was also allowed to have his say and there he told among other things how his relationships had gone up to now. His first wife had died, his second marriage, with me, was also not because as he stated: I abused his children. Even so far that his youngest son recently had surgery on his hip, he got a new hip. Now it is so that the boy had an illness as a small child and that is why he now has a new hip. But he did say this in his statement! I did not know what I heard, and I am also very angry about this, I think this is just slander. My question is whether I can do anything about this?Lawyer
Perjury refers to making a false statement, both orally and in writing. This is the case if one makes a statement that is contrary to the truth, or by distorting or omitting essential information. Failure to make a statement when, for example, there is a duty to report (and the sworn person was aware of this duty) can therefore also be considered perjury. You can report perjury, if you do not, and you are aware of this statement and do not dispute it, then it can have unpleasant consequences for you. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact me.Neem de volgende stap
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