Assistance with Eviction and Rental Problems


To know for sure where I stand because we are currently on the brink of eviction due to rent arrears with the housing association. My partner has the main income and pays the most important bills. Unfortunately, he cannot set priorities and I have had to call him to order many times because I found out through letters that the bill was piling up again. I was never allowed to interfere in his financial affairs because he claimed that he could really do it himself. Now I thought that things had been going pretty well to well for a year. We received a letter a few weeks ago for after the court. 3 months rent arrears. We have been there in the meantime and now we have to go for an interview with the housing association because there is no visible progress in the payment. So I'm afraid we'll have to move out of our house. My daughter and I are now being dragged into the mess my partner has made. And I would like to know how my daughter and I can still stay in this house if there is talk of eviction. We are both on the lease. I would also like to know about the overdue payment if there is a possibility that I and my daughter can stay in the house. Whether these costs will be charged to him, split 50/50 or charged to me. Thank you in advance for your answer.


From your explanation I gather that there is already a procedure for terminating the tenancy agreement. This procedure will ultimately lead to you having to leave your home. You can only continue to live in the house with your daughter if you succeed in reaching agreements with the housing association about the payment of the outstanding and future rent. Given your position, I advise you to seek legal assistance for this. As a lawyer, I specialise in tenancy law and I am happy to represent your interests in this matter and negotiate with the housing association on your behalf. Depending on the level of your income, you may be eligible for subsidised legal aid, the so-called addition. The costs of my work are then paid by the state and you only pay an income-related personal contribution. You can check whether you are eligible for this on the website of the Legal Aid Board ( If you have any questions or require legal assistance, please feel free to contact me without obligation and free of charge to discuss what I can do for you.

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