Rental law: Sale of retail property and rental obligations
I am renting a shop until July 2017. We have already reached an agreement, but because the contract is still running, we will pay rent until July 2017. all properties of the landlord are sold by execution we had constant problems with the landlord because he did not keep his agreements including paying for gas, water and electricity (we rent inclusive) Is the sale of the property a reason why we can get rid of the rental obligation earlier?Lawyer
In tenancy law, the rule 'buying does not break rent' applies, which means that the sale of the rented property does not end the tenancy agreement. The tenancy agreement is therefore continued by the new owner. This means that the property can currently only be sold in a rented state, which may reduce the purchase price if the buyer wants to use the rented property himself. Investors are generally interested in rented properties because they yield something. Given the foreclosure sale, where the aim is usually to achieve the highest possible sales proceeds, the executing party may want to cooperate in the early termination of the tenancy agreement, which can result in a higher sales price. I therefore advise you to contact the creditor about this.Neem de volgende stap
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