Can my employer forbid my hobby?


I am currently on sick leave and one of my biggest hobbies is making music and I am working on a free EP (a kind of mini album with a maximum of 4 songs), now my employer has come to know about this and is forbidding me to continue making music because of 'honored side activities'. Can my employer forbid my hobby?


The case does not provide sufficient information to answer the question: 1. what is your function; 2. what is stipulated in the individual or collective employment agreement?; 3. What is the nature of your illness?; 4. Do the activities hinder the healing process?' 5. What does the Occupational Health and Safety Service think?


1. Service desk employee (customer service) 2. That I have to ask permission to do side activities. 3. The nature of my illness has not yet been discovered, the symptoms are vomiting several times a day. 4. No. 5. The occupational health and safety service is not aware of this. Is it advisable to inform them?


Please see my response to your direct contact request.

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