Legal Questions About Neighbour Law |


I would like to ask you a few questions. Can a neighbor enter my property or shed roof without my permission? Am I obliged to grant this permission to my neighbor? Can he take pictures of my house without permission?


The issue is whether the shed is completely on your property, and not on both of your properties. If the shed is on both properties, the neighbor is not allowed to stay on your part of the shed. Unless it is an emergency, When in public places, one may photograph anything, unless the photos are used for other purposes.


Thank you very much for your quick response. However, I still have 1 small question. This concerns the roof terrace of the neighbours. I believe the height of the fence should be 1.80 metres and it should be completely closed to ensure our privacy. Furthermore, the roof terrace is located 5 cm on my property. Can I speak to the neighbors about this?


A fence may indeed not be higher than 1.80 meters and I cannot see whether it should be completely closed, as I have no overview of the reality. Regarding the crossing on your property, it is important how long this has been the case and whether you are aware of it. If you have never complained (prematurely) or something like that, then it is assumed that you had the patience at the time. However, the neighbor acted in good faith. If this is not the case, then you can address the neighbors about this.

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