Alimony Reduction: Get Free Legal Advice
I have a question, in 2009/10 I got divorced and pay almost 270 euros in alimony for two instead of four children. This happened because I also got the residual debt of 150 euros. And now I also have to pay back taxes (this was abolished last year) I thought I didn't get that because of my work. In the meantime I have a girlfriend and a daughter, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to make ends meet at the end of the month, In critical situations and force majeure I may first pay off the really necessary debts, otherwise I and my family will go under. Would it be because I have a daughter living at home (3 years old) to pay less or no alimony in the interest of my own family.Lawyer
Well, there is a good chance that you will indeed have to pay less, on the one hand this is because the child-related budgets have been increased (significantly) and on the other hand because your ability to pay has decreased. You can of course arrange this with the help of a lawyer and the judge, but you can also try to have the case submitted, by yourself or a lawyer, in order to make new agreements that will then be attached to the covenant as an addendum. This is completely legally valid and costs you almost nothing.Neem de volgende stap
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