Assistance with wage garnishment and debt collection


due to financial problems, including with my health insurer, I had to pay an administrative premium to the Dutch Healthcare Institute for a while. In the meantime, I have been able to pay back my health insurer and next month I will be deregistered as a defaulter and re-registered with my insurer. Unfortunately, a large bill from the Dutch Healthcare Institute then landed on my doormat. Although I had paid them an administrative premium for months, I now owe them several thousand euros. In addition, I was not even given the opportunity to settle this with them myself, no, the claim was immediately forwarded to the CJIB, which then passed it on to collection agency W (almost immediately without me having had the chance to pay). I have called W, the CJIB and the Dutch Healthcare Institute several times about this. The ZN and the CJIB indicated that if I could provide written proof that I had been deregistered as a defaulter, the claim would be taken back from W by the CJIB (this would save me about a thousand euros in collection costs), the ZN would then draw up the final bill again, and I would be presented with it by the CJIB. However, this procedure at the CJIB can take up to six weeks, and I was warned that W would continue to take measures in the meantime. I was therefore advised to discuss this with W as well. I then discussed with W by telephone that I would also send them this same written proof, and that W would then put the claim 'on hold' for a while. Pending the recovery of the claim. These letters and proofs have now been sent, and the procedure has been initiated. But now (2 days later). I receive an email from the financial department of my employer, that W has submitted a request for wage garnishment to them, this against the agreements I made with them. I have dealt with W before, and I have a strong feeling that, despite the telephone promise of their employee, they are still trying to put me under pressure in the hope that I will still pay the claim to them instead of to the CJIB. All in all, I think this is a pretty dirty tactic. Do you have any advice for me in this? Can I stop/postpone the wage garnishment until the procedure


This is a form of abuse of the right and that is not permissible. That is why it is important that you receive proof that you have been released as a defaulter. You will have to object to the seizure. If desired, you may contact me directly for further information or legal assistance.


Thank you for your response, However, it now appears that this situation is based on a misunderstanding. My communication to the CJIB and bailiff W crossed W's request for wage garnishment. The CJIB has now reported the claim to W, and W has assured me that the wage garnishment will not go ahead. The CJIB also indicated that the period of 6 weeks that they use is purely for the purpose of re-drafting the final statement, and that reporting to the external bailiff is done immediately. Thanks again for your help!


I wish you every success and happiness with everything.

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