Legal question about car insurance? Get free advice!
I have a question..I put a car in my name for a good friend of mine, I pay the road tax..she insured the car is really insured, I saw it is the case that she let her boyfriend drive the car and she just called me that they were arrested under the influence and her boyfriend's driver's license had already been revoked, so he was driving without a license..he was taken to the police station, but now my anxious question is what are the consequences for me? I know that I will get the car in my name as soon as possible, never again!! Do you have a clear answer to this for me or advice? ThanksLawyer
This has no further consequences for you. It was up to the driver to ensure that he is allowed to drive the car and he bears the responsibility for that. No one is allowed to drive under the influence and without a valid driver's license, so he bears the consequences himself.Questioner
pffff thank you for the answerQuestioner
another problem..they said they had insured it and I had seen that too but the amount had not been debited from their the car was not the time he caused that..doesn't that cause problems for me now?Lawyer
Because the car is registered in your name, there is a chance that you will receive a payment slip at home. You can then object because you are not the owner of the car and the insurance obligation did not lie with you.Neem de volgende stap
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