Legal Advice on Employment
Following the article by the FNV (, I would like to know what my legal position is in relation to my employer. Over the past 3 months I have been scheduled structurally and these hours are on average between 30 and 40 hours per week. I cannot find anything like this in the collective labor agreement for wholesale trade in catering products. Within the company an all-in salary is calculated, which means that I am not entitled to holiday hours/travel allowance. But after reading the article I'm starting to wonder what happens next. Can you tell me what rights I have obtained or can obtain?Lawyer
It is possible that the holiday pay is built into your hourly wage, but this must be clearly stated in the contract. If you work more than 20 hours for more than three months, it is assumed that there is an employment contract for those hours at least. It can only be different if the work you have to do has a clear beginning and end and a defined objective must be achieved. In that case, there is no question of any structurally recurring work.Neem de volgende stap
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