Course Compensation by Employer? Discover your Rights!


My employer requires me to follow a course (Wft) and is prepared to compensate me for part of the study hours (16) during working hours. I believe that he is legally required to compensate me for ALL (80) study hours. Is that correct? If so, in what form should this compensation take place? Financially or time-for-time? Thank you in advance for your answer. Kind regards,


This concerns training that can generally be characterized as customized. By training employees with somewhat comparable knowledge and skills, it becomes possible to take into account the remaining and limited individual differences. The costs for these courses are usually borne entirely by the employer, while the courses often take place (partly) during working hours. The employer can also give an employee compensation to pay for his or her studies, which is exempt from tax levies. The condition is that the study serves to acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant to the current position. If an employee receives compensation that covers more than the study costs that each employee will incur for that study, the excess is taxable. You may surrender salary and holiday entitlements to follow the study, which means that the salary is partly paid during study and in principle no tax is levied on this. For further information, please feel free to contact me.

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