Assistance with legal questions about housing construction


My son bought a house through a housing association with the promise that it would be a very nice neighborhood, but unfortunately the neighborhood is deteriorating enormously, they have 3 small children who can't even play on the street, it's that bad there is a nuisance there, often police in the street and that kind of thing, now he wants to get rid of the house but we are afraid that no one will want to buy it, their next door neighbors also have 3 small children and have the same problem, can they do anything about this if the housing association does not cooperate, after all they have made empty promises to them and also the neighbors, are they obliged to help them or if necessary buy back the house.


I think your son should not have any illusions that he can claim anything from the housing association. The housing association cannot be held responsible for the fact that the neighbourhood has deteriorated on the basis of the sale to your son. Only if the housing association has entered into specific obligations in the purchase agreement that have not been fulfilled, can your son hold the housing association liable on this basis.

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