Legal advice for foundations and boards
I am a volunteer for a foundation. Together with several members, we disagree about how two board members are taking over everything at the expense of us volunteers. At the next members meeting we would like to submit a motion of no confidence. How can we best approach this?Lawyer
A foundation has no members. The board of a foundation appoints and dismisses itself. Sometimes the articles of association contain provisions to also give interested parties such as donors or volunteers a form of participation. In very serious cases, interested parties can also ask the court to replace directors. In short, you should keep in mind that if you are not a board member of the foundation, you do not have many options to correct the board members.Questioner
That's a I have read it, the board, which is governed by two people, is allowed to do everything behind the volunteers' backs, and good initiatives from the volunteers are put to a halt.....this seems like a disguised dictatorshipQuestioner
That's a I have read it, the board, which is governed by two people, is allowed to do everything behind the volunteers' backs, and good initiatives from the volunteers are put to a halt.....this seems like a disguised dictatorshipNeem de volgende stap
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