Legal Assistance for Money Reclaim


Hello, About a year ago I bought a tack cabinet for the stable. This happened together with a stable mate, who bought the same cabinet. I paid 70 euros for it at the time. When I left the stable six months ago (due to a fight with the stable owner), I agreed with a (I thought at the time) friend that she would buy the cabinet for 50 euros. This friend had some financial problems at the time, so we agreed that she could pay later. We did not agree on a payment arrangement or anything. She acknowledged her debt for six months, and kept saying that she would pay it, which did not happen. This resulted in the fact that I had to ask for the money almost every 2 weeks. (Contact was via Whatsapp) The last 2 times she did not respond to my messages anymore. I know that she is now clingy with the stable owner, with whom I had a fight. So I suspect that they incited each other and that she is now no longer prepared to pay. I do have some things in black and white on Whatsapp, but not on paper. I'm getting tired of asking for it all the time. What else can I do? I'm also short of money at the moment, due to my studies. So I don't have any money ready to start a lawsuit... I'm also not planning on letting her get away with it. Even if it takes me 10 years. Thank you in advance!


If you are in possession of the 'whatsap' messages, which show that you have a credit on the 'girlfriend', then you can claim the money back. You can send her a written reminder to make the payment. If you wish, you may contact me directly for further information and legal assistance.

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