Severance pay and social plan – Legal aid centre


I worked for 7.5 years via an employment agency and 3.5 years permanently at the same company. Now the production department where I work is going abroad next year and I will be fired while at another production department that will continue to produce here, people have recently been hired permanently and many temporary workers are still working. Now a social plan is being devised for me and thirty others, but how much would I get as severance pay? I am 48 years old


What is important is whether the Social Plan (SP) is created in consultation with the unions (FNV). If so, the judge will take it into account. If not, the relevance is limited. The content of the SP is important. However, you have a good point regarding the other department, new staff and temporary workers. I therefore think that you have a good chance of keeping your job. I advise you to contact a specialized labor law attorney as soon as possible, e.g. me. You can do it yourself, but these kinds of cases are often so complex that it is better to hire an expert attorney. At my office, the first consultation (max. half an hour) is free. This is the case with many attorneys.


Ok thanks for your response

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