Pension distribution after divorce: Important information
My ex-husband and I have been officially divorced since January of this year and the pension distribution has been set up 50-50. My ex turned 65 last month and it appears that he cannot make ends meet with this distribution. He believes that the distribution in terms of percentages should be revised and says that if it comes to that, the judge will agree with him. Because according to him there is a fixed distribution key that would show that he is entitled to at least 2500 euros per month. Also, the difference between our two monthly amounts (I still work full-time) should not be that big. So am I actually obliged to make a different distribution? I don't necessarily need to go through a judge, I'm willing to accommodate him if what he claims is true.Lawyer
You and your ex-partner can choose together for a different division of the old-age pension. You both divide it into two unequal parts. Formally, the pension remains the property of the person who built it up. Only when you or your ex-husband retires, the ex-partner receives his or her share. Even if the ex-partner is still working. At the link below you will find a brochure with further explanation. de volgende stap
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