Legal Assistance for Real Estate Problems
We made an offer on a house for an amount of 255,000 euros. This offer was accepted by the seller. We have made further agreements with the sellers and the broker. About what the sellers leave behind in the house and when the keys will be handed over. Everything was agreed and the broker would finally start drawing up the purchase contract (on a Friday evening 1.5 weeks after the offer was accepted.) After the weekend I get a phone call from the broker that someone else has reported to the sellers at home behind the broker's back and has made an offer of 265,000 euros. and that the purchase with us cannot go through. What can we do now? We are still negotiating? and is the broker not allowed to accept the offer as long as we are still negotiating? Did the broker wait too long to reach the purchase agreement?Lawyer
This is an unfortunate state of affairs. However, I think you have no hard possibilities to buy the house for the price you offered. A purchase agreement for a house must be made in writing and as long as this is not the case, there is no contract. On the other hand, you are in an advanced stage of negotiations and under certain circumstances, suddenly breaking them off may be unlawful. In short, inform the broker and the sellers in writing that you want to be given the opportunity to make a better offer and that if you are not given this opportunity, you take the position that you consider this to be unlawful towards you and you hold the other party liable for any damage that you suffer / will suffer as a result. For example, consider costs that you may have already incurred to obtain financing for the purchase of the home.Neem de volgende stap
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