Child support appeal: can you pay more?
On August 7, 2007, my ex-wife and I got engaged and married on August 14, 2007. My ex-wife had a son from a previous relationship, whose biological father was not listed on the child's birth certificate. I was then offered the opportunity to recognize him as 'my' child. Legally speaking, I am now his father, I understand that. But early 2012, we divorced and my son came to live with her. I did not get a lawyer for inability at the time because I had too much savings at the time (in the 20 years as a truck driver I worked hard and therefore saved a nice bit of money, but it all went to lawyer's fees). There was then a court ruling regarding the child support that I had to pay and it was set at € 3,-- per month, since I did not have a job at the time, but was receiving a municipal benefit at the time. Now that I have a WSW indication due to a UWV assessment and can no longer perform my old job as a truck driver (and therefore no longer have my old salary of over € 2000), I have been appointed within the municipality of Oldenzaal in early August 2014 in the green area to maintain the sports parks. All this with a physical disability. I currently earn the minimum wage and can just about keep my head above water with that, once the fixed costs are paid, so as not to get into debt. Now my ex-wife has been to her lawyer again with the message that I am back at work. So 'he can start paying more alimony'. So I was forced to hire a lawyer again, only this time one of inability. I have been told that my ex-wife is now in debt restructuring and she has indicated that I should therefore start paying more alimony. A ruling has been made on this by means of a decision. I now have to pay €90,-- in alimony, but I can't afford it. And if I pay it, then I'll have exactly €20 p/w left to live on. I have to pay everything from that, sorry I don't think that's acceptable in this country. But it must be my fault then. There's one more thing, during the divorce it was agreed that I would have my child for the weekend every other week. That went well for the first year after the divorce, until the first weekend of March 2013. Then my ex-wife was like, you're not coming to daddy anymore (to me). Then I'm left with the question: 'Why do I have to pay child support if I don't get to see my son'? I'm like, I don't get to see my son, you don't get child support. I strongly suspect that my ex-wife wants to destroy me. I just want to get rid of all this nagging once and for all. I had a hellish time between 2012 and 2014, that I didn't know in advance that I was still alive in the back and vice versa> I couldn't pay the bills but always just managed to stay out of debt assistance, and I was severely depressed. I've had it, I don't want that misery again. What can I do about this?Lawyer
It is not clear to me whether an appeal is still possible against the last ruling. If so, it is important when the term expires. If there is still sufficient time for an appeal, I could look at your case based on your file to see whether an appeal is worthwhile. If you wish, you can contact me for this.Neem de volgende stap
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