Assistance with covenant and bank inspection after divorce


I got divorced in 2013 and the agreement states that both parents must have access to the growth accounts of the children. Due to circumstances, this had not yet been arranged and I have now been trying to arrange this with the bank for over 6 months. The bank indicates that only 1 parent can have access via an account. I asked the mediator if she could do anything or what I should do about this. She indicated that she could not do anything about this. Since it is asked in the agreement, I wonder what I can do about this? Is the agreement still valid now that this point has not been (cannot be) arranged?


The covenant is valid and therefore binding. The parent who has access is obliged to provide the other with information about it.


And what can I do with the fact that the bank only allows 1 parent to have access? In 2016 you would expect this to be possible. I suspect there are more divorced parents with this problem!!

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