Assistance with divorce and housing issues


A few years ago I got divorced (in Belgium). My ex and I had agreed that he would finish building our house in Belgium and then in 2010 the house would be removed from my name. He didn't want to budge on this in 2010. In the end, after much nagging, I hired a lawyer (in Belgium). During the procedure, my ex asked me if I would please stop this and that he promised that the house would be in my name on 1 July 2016. In the meantime, I have been pointing this out to him since April of this year. It is not going well. I would prefer to hire a lawyer again, but the costs are simply too high for me. Can you help me or do you have any tips? By the way, I have been living in the area of ​​The Hague again for 7 years now.


You need substitute permission from the judge who rules according to the law of the division of your marital property. The judge can be asked what you have asked your ex or what you claim you want to sell. A lawyer is indispensable for this.

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Blijf niet rondlopen met vragen over je situatie. Stel je vraag en krijg persoonlijk antwoord van een ervaren jurist.
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