Guarantees and rights when purchasing a home | Legal aid


We recently bought a house with a bathroom that is about 1 year old. According to the website of the bathroom supplier, they give a 2-year warranty. Now we have a leak and have approached the bathroom supplier and addressed the warranty. They indicate that they did not sell the bathroom to us and that we are therefore not entitled to a warranty. On the internet I find various information regarding the transfer of warranty, but nothing that matches this situation. Can you provide clarity? Is the supplier right or can we claim the guarantee?


Yes, in principle, because it is a dependent right that follows the main case, in the case of a new owner for example. However, the guarantee can be made personal in general terms and conditions. However, such a clause can be annulled because of its unreasonably onerous nature. The latter seems complicated but it is not: it requires writing a letter containing the extrajudicial annulment. If there is no clause as such; then you are simply entitled to the issued guarantee following the case.

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