Spousal support reviewed? Discover your rights!
We divorced 5 years ago. The mediator set the spousal support at € 1660.00 pm net. My husband indicated that he would go bankrupt, have to leave his house and then end up on the street without anything and indicated that he could only pay alimony of € 600.00 gross. At the time of the divorce I was severely depressed, with antidepressants and sleeping pills my husband gave in to everything. He got the house and the car plus half of our saved mortgage investment, I got half of the mortgage investment and alimony of only € 600.00 gross. However, I now regret this. I now have my own house, with all the costs, a job and am mentally healthy. However, I have a hard time making ends meet. My ex always complains about money but goes on holiday 3 or 4 times a year and always buys very expensive things/clothing. I want to know if there is a possibility that I can enforce more spousal support.Lawyer
First of all, this depends on your divorce agreement. There may be a non-modification clause included regarding (partner) alimony. But in principle, a revision of the spousal support is always possible in case of changed circumstances. This is for example if your ex were to remarry or enjoy a higher income. In your case, I suspect that a revision of spousal support will be difficult.Neem de volgende stap
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