Compensation for accident involving cyclist


I was driving my car within a built-up area when the car stalled due to engine failure. I was able to park the car on the far right side of the road at the curb with the hazard lights on and while sitting behind the wheel I called for help by phone. About 3 minutes later, during that conversation, a cyclist drove into the back of my car. Fortunately, nothing was wrong with him, he said that he had not paid enough attention but also that he was not insured because he was in debt restructuring. How do I get my damages compensated now????


If the cyclist has no insurance and is in debt restructuring, the chance that you will be compensated for your damage is very small. But I advise you to hold the cyclist liable anyway. The cyclist's administrator may still be able to do something for you.


thank you for your response, I will hold the cyclist responsible and hope for the best

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