Legal assistance with construction disputes |
We (4 homeowners) have been living in a new construction project in Nieuw-Beijerland since May this year. Our houses were delivered as phase 1. The same houses (phase 2) will receive free solar panels from the construction company. In both the brochure and the drawing, no word is said about any presence of solar panels. The construction company's story reads: 'Quote' It is true that the homes in the second phase will get solar panels. This has to do with the tightening of the Energy Performance requirements in the time between the application for the environmental permit for your home and the homes that are now being built. Free is not correct because they are included in the price of the house, so the buyer simply pays for them. 'Unquote' The last paragraph is not correct. The houses have the same sales price as what we paid for them. We have also heard from future owners that the solar panels are free. What rights can we (as owners from phase 1) derive from this 'action' of the construction company, as this, in our opinion, will be detrimental to the value of our house and put us in a worse sales position.Lawyer
It is clear that the campaign with the free solar panels is only intended for the homes in Phase 2. The owners of those homes are lucky that the permit for the construction of their homes was applied for later. Since the solar panels were not included in the construction of your home, you cannot claim free solar panels on that basis. You could take the position that the contractor, by installing free solar panels on the home in Phase 2, acted contrary to what is socially acceptable (careless/unreasonable), which has seriously disadvantaged you.Neem de volgende stap
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