Assistance with rental problems and payment arrangements


I have a very big problem and I hope you can help me. A few months ago, they failed to write off the rent twice. I contacted them and asked if I could make a payment arrangement for the €1596 that was outstanding. The management said that they had transferred us to an external agency. I contacted them by email, but they did not respond. Then I called. I got a gentleman on the phone and asked if I could make a payment arrangement, the amount had already increased to €1850. He asked me how much I wanted to pay off and from when. I indicated that I could pay off €250 per month and from 23/09. He let me know that he would contact me via my email to see if it was approved or not. I gave my email address and spelled it out. I have not heard from them since then. I have sent emails to various email addresses of theirs but have not received anything back, not even in my spam mail. Suddenly I received a 'package' in the mailbox and it said that I had to appear in court on October 5th. I was scared to death! I immediately called the external company and asked how that was possible because I was waiting to hear something about the payment arrangement. I got someone else on the phone and he said that he didn't know anything either. He also said that it would not be certain that the payment arrangement would go ahead. I also said that I understood that but if they say that I would get a response about it, I would assume that too. I told him that if I had known that the payment arrangement would not go ahead, I could have asked family if I could borrow the money to pay the €1850. But now the amount has already increased to €2965! He said yes yes yes, I can't do anything about that, if you pay, the case will be closed. You have until October 5th. I contacted Debt Counseling and explained the story to them. She asked me if I had any proof that the gentleman told me that. However, I don't have that proof. I only have proof that I called but not what was said. I also have proof that I sent out emails. She indicated that it would be best to contact you. And that I should send an email to the person who wants to take me to court. Because that way I do have proof. Now I have received another letter that I also have to go to the subdistrict court on October 5 and that the amount is now €3740.72. I don't understand it anymore. I know I was wrong with those 2 months but I am trying to solve it but I have the feeling that I am being thwarted. What should I do now?


The problem is often that when the claim has been transferred to an external agency, it proves difficult to make arrangements. Try again to make an arrangement before 5 October. If that does not work, then you will indeed have to go to court. Perhaps an arrangement is still possible there. If that does not work either, then it seems to me that a large part of the claim is admissible now that you do not dispute it entirely. Please feel free to contact me for more information, I may be able to assist you further.

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