Are you getting your invoices paid? Legal advice!


Two years ago I worked on a freelance basis at a venue rental company. Two years ago I dutifully submitted my invoices. These were not paid. Then I got in touch with the then manager, who promised that the vacancies would be paid (by email). Then this manager left and also the man who was responsible for the finances. I now have to deal with new people who do not know me and still do not pay my invoices. It is about 1800 euros. I have worked hard for this and I am entitled to this money. How can I get my money now? Please help with this matter as my endless stream of emails and phone calls are yielding no results. I have proof of my work and a commitment to payment (by email) but so far no luck. I would like to hear from you about what to do next. Kind regards, JdK.


Work should be rewarded and therefore your invoices must be paid. You may contact me directly for further information or legal assistance.


I advise to increase the pressure by intervening a third party to write to the other party and summon them to make payment, increased by the statutory commercial interest and extrajudicial collection costs. This usually produces a quick result. For more information, you may contact me without obligation and directly.

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