Help with UWV Problems - Free Advice


In 2009, I was accused by the UWV of having a fictitious employment contract. My ex-employer was suspected of committing bankruptcy fraud. However, my case was dismissed by the court in The Hague, namely dismissal 02. Still, I have to pay back 17,000 euros to the UWV and I have been doing that for years now. According to the UWV, I made contradictory statements and they said that a dismissal of 02 was nothing. Is this correct and can I do anything about it?


You can no longer object to the decision of the UWV, since this decision was taken more than 6 weeks ago. There may be a possibility to request a review of the decision of the UWV, if the court decided to discontinue the case after the decision of the UWV. I could support you with this.


I filed an objection, so it went to the judge and he dismissed it.

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