Check your employment contract |


As of September 1, I received an employment contract for one year. I had it checked by a friend (who works a lot with lawyers). According to him, the contract is good/standard. Still, I have my doubts. I work 36 hours a week. My gross salary is € 1487.50 The employer (no collective labor agreement) established at the border with Germany, so open every day until 9pm. I get 21.6 vacation days per year. My question is, is that not too little? Converted, it is only 3 weeks. I also don't get paid extra on weekends. I knew this and I don't think it's a problem. I'm just happy that I have a job. But now I heard that I don't get paid extra on holidays either. (not in the contract) Can that just happen?


I think that's a fair agreement. You are entitled to vacation days of four times the agreed working hours per week. Here it is 4 weeks. I would be happy to review your contract without obligation.

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