Landline disconnected? Get free legal advice!


My landline was just disconnected by a provider (...). They say we have a contract with them while we have not had any contact with them! They disconnected the phone because there are still outstanding bills (which we have never had or known about). Our provider (...) who we have had for a long time and the ... whose connection we have also say they know nothing. The latter two say they can do nothing! ...does not want to cooperate with anything while they know that the information (when asked) they have does not match our address and telephone number. They also do not call back. Now we cannot call with our landline and have to try to find out everything by calling with my daughter's mobile phone (which has now gone so far that she has to pay extra). What can we do?


If the provider fails to respond, you must give them notice of default and give them a deadline for a response. If they fail to respond again, they are in default and cannot take legal action against you. If the provider claims to have a contract with you, they must prove this (burden of proof). If they cannot prove this upon request, they can be held liable for any damage on your part. For further information, you may contact me directly if desired.

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