Legal assistance with rent arrears


I have been renting out a garage for almost 24 months and until recently the rent was paid monthly, but the person is now a month behind and I have tried to reach him in all kinds of ways, but nothing works. I know he uses the box for storage and judging by the weeds in front of the box, it hasn't been there for a long time, what measures can I take? I myself am thinking about having the stuff removed. Thank you in advance for your help


A month's rent arrears is not sufficient to terminate the lease. This requires a rent arrears of at least 3 months. As long as the lease remains in effect, you are also not entitled to empty the box. You will therefore have to make more of an effort to contact the tenant. I can help you with this. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact me without obligation and free of charge.

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