Legal Question: Employment Contract and Transition Compensation


I worked at company A, let's say that was from 1-1-2006. After that I started working at a new company, company B. Let's say that was from 1-1-2011. Not long after that, company A took over company B and I worked for company A again. Suppose this was on 1 January 2013. What should be the date of employment that company A is now administering for me? The date of employment that company A has administered in this (fictitious) example is 1-1-2011. But since I was also employed by company A immediately before that (i.e. from 1-1-2006 to 1-1-2011), I wonder whether I can state that I now have an uninterrupted employment relationship with company A from 1-1-2006. Is this legally the case? Suppose I am ever dismissed, then this could be relevant for calculating a transition payment, for example.


To qualify for a transition payment, you must demonstrate that you have had an interval of no more than three months. Depending on the years of service, you are entitled to the subdistrict court formula or a new arrangement. What is stated in your CAO also matters. I'll find that out.

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