Legal support for self-employed professionals in healthcare | Legal aid centre
My question: I am a self-employed person. I have a small practice in healthcare in which I earn just enough income to be able to exist (I am the breadwinner) In 2017 I have to meet the latest requirements to ensure that my clients still get their treatments reimbursed by the health insurance. For this it is necessary to follow a training HBO medical basic knowledge according to the Plato standards. Early 2016 I receive a message from my professional association that I can get a dispensation based on age. Upon inquiry it appears that I meet the conditions for this. I receive a personal message back by email that I meet this. 2 weeks ago, however, I discovered that I am not on the list of therapists who will continue to be reimbursed from 1-1-2017. When I asked my professional association, I was told that the health insurance companies had reversed this exemption. Because of all this, I am being hit hard, if the treatments are no longer reimbursed, I will fall below the social assistance level, many clients are dependent on reimbursement. And I hear all this 3 months before the new regulation comes into effect. My first question is: can a professional association just do this, while I initially received the dispensation and later confirmation of this? My 2nd question is: what can I do? My third question is: if all this is possible, then I will probably have to go on welfare. Should my practice be terminated or what will happen next?Lawyer
A BIG registration or an NVAO accredited education is also sufficient. I have sent an email to Zorgverzekeraars Nederland for you.Questioner
I do not have a BIG registration. The healthcare providers have a requirement that as of 1-1-2017 all therapists have followed HBO medical basic knowledge (CPION) according to the Plato standards. The point is that I was granted an exemption from this by the professional association at the beginning of this year based on age. Every therapist who wanted to practice for a maximum of 5 years from September 2015 and had the correct naturopathic diplomas received an exemption. To be sure, I checked with the professional association to see if I met the requirements, which was confirmed in black and white. Now this is simply being reversed, according to the professional association, by the health insurers. Is this possible, even though I have received written confirmation? Please give your feedbackLawyer
I have not yet received a response from Zorgverzekeraars Nederland. To get a clear picture of how the rules work out for you, I need to know what the professional association is; LVNG, VIT, VNT or NWP. I have not been able to find that yet.Neem de volgende stap
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