Assistance with legal issues with contractors


We commissioned a parquet/PVC specialist to install a PVC floor in our home, including leveling and sealing the grooves of the installed underfloor heating. Due to problems with the contractor, there was a delay and the parquet specialist (in good consultation) was able to start leveling the floor 3 months later than planned. He insisted on paying at least part of the quote because he should have purchased the PVC floor from his supplier anyway. This invoice was specified with the closing of the grooves and the delivery of the PVC floor. The first attempt at leveling was delivered the PVC floor. The result of the first layer looked worrying. The floor was littered with air bubbles, craters etc. We noticed that no primer was used and no spiked roller to deaerate the leveling compound. Expert advice has shown that very poor work was done and that not using primer can lead to detachment of the leveling compound, We expressed our concerns to him and were promised that this would be resolved with the 2nd layer. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the floor has become even more crooked in several places than it already was, Given the height of the thresholds in the house, we absolutely do not want to run the risk of poor leveling again, with the result that any repair will lead to a new increase. We no longer have confidence in his way of working and have now also indicated this to him. The 'professional' indicates that a PVC floor can easily be laid over this and also understands that we want to stop but would like the leveling to be paid for. What can we do?


You must put the contractor in default on a date on which you discovered the complaints, in the same letter you state that his repair attempts and/or promises are no longer trusted and you put the contractor in default on that date (of discovering the defects in the repair attempt and/or the date on which you lost confidence as a result). Then in the same letter you state that you will not pay the outstanding invoice due to consequential damage and that you are already settling this. You also state that the contractor is liable for all damage resulting from the errors. My specialization is the contracting of work; so if you need some help or you want to outsource the writing, you can contact me. For the further course it is better if the legal setting is correctly presented.

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