Childcare allowance: Am I entitled?
According to the tax authorities, I am not entitled to childcare allowance. My partner works and I am studying. I am currently following private courses at two different recognized training institutes. However, these trainers are not approved to subsequently qualify for allowance. The courses I am following are for my future profession and one of them costs 50 ECTS. A serious course, for which I have to study at least two days a week. Then I also need at least one day a week for that second course. Together, that is quite a lot of study hours. In my opinion, under those conditions I am entitled to childcare allowance for my 7-month-old son? Can you help me with this?Lawyer
I think you should then report this to your municipality, as they have special arrangements for this.Questioner
I just spoke to the municipality and these regulations only apply to parents on social assistance or participating in a work and reintegration programme.Neem de volgende stap
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