Legal Assistance with Car Reclaim


My girlfriend and I broke up. now she drives a car that I bought and that she borrows from me. the car is in her name because i have to go into the WSNP and then i can't have 2 cars in my name. now we are separated but she doesn't want to give the car back. I still have the proof of purchase and the spare key and I paid for inspections and maintenance myself. How do I get the car back can I take it with me or is that theft because it is in her name.


If you can prove that the car is yours and that it is on loan, then that is embezzlement that your ex-girlfriend is doing. I would not just take the car, because then there is a chance that a report of theft will be filed. It is better to reclaim your car by means of a written approach. The fact that it is in her name does not mean that she is the owner. The fact that you are going to end up in debt restructuring is a form of abuse of the right that your girlfriend uses. If you wish, you may contact me directly for further information or legal assistance.

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