Rental Law in case of Water Damage: Your Compensation


About three months ago a leak was discovered in my bathroom. After having about 6 different people over, it turns out that the entire bathroom has moisture damage and the floor is also saturated with moisture. The housing association wants to renovate the entire bathroom, which means that I will be without a bathroom for 2.5 weeks. This would also mean that I cannot shower during that period. There is no house available in the complex where I live where I could possibly shower. My proposal to possibly stay in a hotel for those 2.5 weeks is also not honored by the housing association. What is reasonable to demand from my landlord as compensation for not being able to shower for 2.5 weeks?


Who is responsible for the leak, what caused it? In principle, a tenant who could have expected such extensive renovation or urgent work during the rental period is not entitled to compensation, but this may be different if the leak was caused by a defect in the rented property or by a defect in a rental property with the same landlord.

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