Fast maintenance review & advice
I got divorced in 2010 and have been paying alimony for my two children from that marriage and the debt burden from that marriage ever since. I now have two children in a new relationship. In 2015, the tax benefit for the alimony payer also disappeared. These are two reasons for adjusting the alimony. Initially, my ex-wife indicated that she would fully cooperate with this, but she later changed her mind. I have now been working on a pro bono for more than a year lawyer to get the adjustment done. I hear nothing, have to keep asking about progress and now it's gotten to the point where we probably won't be in court until 2017. Is this normal? A government-imposed change can't be implemented two years later, can it? I have to muddle through, work 80 hours or more a week and don't have a cent left. Is there a fast track procedure for reviewing alimony?Lawyer
The only quick solution for a reduction in alimony is through direct contact with your ex. However, it is true that if the reduction is determined by the judge, this will most likely be retroactive to the date of filing the petition. You can also request your lawyer to reduce the maintenance through a provisional measure (summary proceedings). Normally, the case will then be dealt with by the judge within a few weeks. You must then demonstrate that there is sufficient urgency.Neem de volgende stap
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