Legal Assistance with Building Permits | Legal Aid
we have been living in a summer home for ten years where the regular building permit application has been granted under renewing and expanding summer home. however, the construction drawings state hobby and fitness space. now the municipality says after 10 years of living there that it is not a summer home but storage the building was built as a summer home with frames and windows. the text on the permit is leading after all. and as a government you can not punish something that you have agreed upon together in use nowLawyer
As I read your question, one does not exclude the other. It may be that the permit was granted for the renovation and enlargement of the summer house with a hobby and fitness room. You should also remember that the way in which something is built does not automatically mean that the building may also be used in the manner in which/for the purpose for which it was built. The fact that the municipality has not taken action against the use as a summer home for a long time, while this use may be in conflict with what is permitted under the zoning plan, does not mean that you can automatically derive the right to continue using the building as a summer home. If you have any further questions about the above, please contact me via the direct contact option of de volgende stap
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