Legal Assistance with Sickness Benefits Act and Contract


I have a contract with my boss for 10 to 40 hours per week. Now I have been on sick leave for 2 months and receive a benefit of 629 euros over period 10. My salary in period 8 was 3003.30 euros / period 7 2972.43 euros / period 6 2794.79 euros. Is this correct or do I have to apply for social assistance?


During illness, the employer must continue to pay at least 70% of the salary. The average of the previous 3 periods is in principle decisive. Your employer probably pays too little. The FNV has also agreed on a higher percentage in many CAOs. You must ask your employer to pay more wages. If he does not do so, you must demand this through the judge. It is good to apply for social assistance in the meantime. If you have any further questions/problems, I advise you to contact a specialized employment law attorney, such as me.


My boss says that my salary is the minimum number of hours stated on the contract, which is 10 hours.


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