Legal Advice on Work and Salary
I have been working for a clothing brand within a department store for 7 months through an employment agency, a shop in a shop as it were. I worked semi-fixed hours, usually 20 hours a week, but this could vary due to absences or vacation of colleagues. Now the brand wants to take me over from the employment agency, I am 28 and have a completed HBO diploma, and they offer me a 20-hour contract, 10€ gross, 6€ travel allowance and 8€ meal. My question is, is this correct? Or is this on the low side? I know that they currently pay 28€ to the employment agency for me.Lawyer
I don't think that's very much. The minimum wage is 8.80 gross. The CAO classifies your work in a function. With this you can receive a salary.Neem de volgende stap
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