Assistance with building permits and objections from neighbours


We bought a house with barns in 1999. We recently received a permit to build a studio in one of the barns. Now we have received objections from neighbors. They are asking to see the building permit for the barn. This permit was once issued, but the municipality cannot find it. Things from a certain period are missing. What now?


It seems to me that this is a matter for the municipality. Or has the municipality spoken to you about it?


I find it very strange that nothing can be found at all. A permit system has been in use for many decades. In addition, there is a paper archive that has largely been digitalized over time. It is of course up to the builder to keep his own archive copy. Perhaps a WOB (Government Information (Public Access) Act) request to your municipality is the most suitable option to obtain the desired data. Furthermore, it is of course questionable to what extent it is relevant in the context of the permit now granted for the studio whether or not there is a permit for the barn. The competent authority must decide on the basis of the application, in other words what has been requested. If the shed appears to have been built without a permit, the question is whether enforcement action can be taken against it. Several aspects play a role in this.

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